Jon responded in

Finally back! Can’t wait.

Lisa, profile photo

Game on tomorrow!!! Man have I missed it!”

Dave, profile photo

Hiya Old Folks! Hope y’all are resting up. It’s been a fun winter. I know your skis are mad, but just think about how excited your football boots are! We’ll be out there in no time!!⚽️⚒️🤗—db


Hi all,
Apologies for my absence these last few months. My left knee is mashed potatoes!!! Finding ways to stay fit in winter, with this condition is challenging and isolating. I certainly miss you all. Looking forward to seeing you in the future.

Lisa, profile photo

Hey friends, just an official notice that we have a game this Tuesday, but will then have to skip two weeks as the school gym is unavailable during vacation while the repair floors and host town meeting day shenanigans. So game on 2/20, but no games on 2/27 or 3/5. Hope to see you Tuesday!

Lisa, profile photo

Who’s playing tonight?! We need a few more to get a game. You know you want to…


Ronda and I are in