Lisa, profile photo

For anyone playing indoor this winter, we just got this message from the MES staff:

"We ask that you use only the "owl" door, which is the door nearest the gym for entering AND exiting (not the the main entrance door)

Our custodial staff works hard to get the hallway and other areas clean in the evenings for the next student day. With winter weather, it's tough to keep it clean if folks are tracking down the hall to exit.

The hall bathrooms are up and running again. That is really as far as anyone using the school building should travel if they have rented only the gym.

Thank you for understanding and supporting our custodial staff and students."

Let's make sure to follow this request so we are welcome back every year :) Thanks!

Lisa, profile photo

NO futsal game tonight unfortunately, the school is shut down for repairs this week. Have a great holiday and see you all next week!


Hi Lisa,
I looked for a futsal ball at MHS. There were lots of size 3s.......We need size 4. Happy to pitch in $ to buy a few.

I'm not on the Waterbury thread, but I heard that there may be a Turkey Day match. Does anyone know more?


Thanks, Lisa! Do you have Rick's email?


I have a couple of candidates for futsal ball. I will bring them tonight.

Lisa, profile photo

Game on tonight in Warren at 5:30! Beautiful day for what will probably be our last outdoor game of the season

Dave, profile photo

Good morning y’all…great time indoors last night. Let’s all make sure we keep in touch out here…not only will communication be extra important as we are using a school building and have someone else’s schedule to consider…but it it’s a really small space so having a handle on numbers going in might help as we find creative ways to get everyone in the game 👍 Oh yeah and tomorrow night is a real thing…weather looks great😎 So let’s get outside (probably) one last time 👍—db⚒️