Dave, profile photo

Moretown game on!!! Thanks to Lisa for scouting it out 👍 See you all in a little while 😎-db


I know there was some chatter earlier in the week about playing at Mad River Park, but now it looks like it will be at Moretown. MRP is open, but I received the following information for it's opening. Just thought I'd share the info.

We would like to delay opening the MRP fields by one day, to Tuesday 4/16, to let things dry out on Monday. When we do open on Tuesday, the following suggestions have been made in order to minimize long term damage to sensitive areas.
Please observe these guidelines until the week of April 29th.
1. No goalie play in nets.
2. Close off hillside entrance to small bridge. Direct foot traffic to pavilion path.
Portolets will be delivered on Monday 4/15.

Dave, profile photo

Thanks Ross-Yeah we’d prefer Moretown anyway, but sometimes defer to the superior drainage at MRP. Thinking Moretown will be good to go tonight. I’m going try and check it out this afternoon and hopefully report back w confirmation 👍👍

Tanner, profile photo

Hey All,
Tanner and Bennett (son) here. For what it’s worth the only reason we aren’t ever able to attend is Bennetts club team practices Tuesday and Thursday. If OFFC was to play M/W/F options we would totally be there most of not all the time. Our 2 cents. Miss you guys and hope all is well.


Sorry Dave, it’s never easy. Glad to have met Lola, I know you gave her a wonderful life.

Dave, profile photo

Thx bro🤗

Dave, profile photo

Hi there, old folks. Another fun time inside at the Morristown school last night. As most of you have probably heard, we do not have the gym next week on the 16th. if you’re anything like most of us, you’re probably hoping that that will be the beginning of the outdoor season. This concept brings up some of the same questions we ask every year. So I’m gonna throw them out there again. Firstly, days of the week… Do we keep Tuesday and Thursday for twice a week games Moretown ? It always comes up as to whether or not we have enough interest folks to sustain twice a week. As usual a Waterbury game often. Also on Tuesday presents an option for twice a week. Personally, not sure if I’ll make it twice a week now that I’m living in Richmond but I would love to see two games a week in Moretown. starting time is another question. We usually go with a 530 start, and move it back to six in the summer when we have abundant daylight how do you folks feel about starting about 530 these days? And lastly, just for next week, I think we will still be somewhat weather dependent that is, it will all depend on how much rain we get and how dry things are. From experience, we’ve learned that Madriver Park dries much faster, so we may be able to open the outdoor season there if our usual home pitch is not ready. And if the weather snuffs out all possibilities of playing next week, anyone interested in meeting for dinner drinks and chat instead…. sort of a do over for the holiday party. That was not well attended. Just my thoughts on a Wednesday afternoon. Please try and publicly or privately. with any thoughts you have on the above. Looking forward to playing with you all outside soon. Much love.—-Dave . PS. Special thanks to Lisa for being our. Organizer and liaison to the school for the indoor season.👍🤗


Thanks all for welcoming me into your community, I appreciate it. Not to be the first to go against the grain but if there is a game in Waterbury on Tuesday, I would play there once and Moretown once.
Also 5:30 works for me, hopefully we do get to play outside.

Ronda, profile photo

Hey old folks! I'm in for any 2 days. My days at vet are Tue-Thur so I wouldn't want to dip on them that early for 2 of my 3 days, but 1 day at 5:30 would be fine. Ty would also love to be able to get 2 days in, but doesn't think that would be feasible with only a day of recovery in between based on current status. Fingers crossed his health continues to improve to the point it's of non-factor in the future. Just want you guys to know how much this group has benefited his health already and both our well-being. We're forever grateful. Much love