Dave, profile photo

***** GAME CANCELLED!!!!! Reports of showers and thunder already in Waterbury and here in Richmond. Stay home safe and dry. Let’s get it next week….

Dave, profile photo

Radar looks like we could be dry till 7…..we basically need everyone signed in to make this worthwhile….or I’m staying in Richmond. Any 4:08pm comments??

Paul, profile photo

Sorry no can do tonight Dave, stay dry!


I’m in while it’s dry, just might be a few late. Think Jaime is in too

Dave, profile photo

2:40–we’ve got 6, with 2 leaning toward out if more than a little rain. Not looking great. Let’s keep in touch with a final call around 4:45 (when I’ve got to leave if coming 👍) Thx—db


FYI I've got two more coming with me if we meet

Dave, profile photo

Good to know…could be the difference maker👍

Dave, profile photo

Is everyone who’s in definitely going to make it ? I know the weather could be dodgy….but I’m driving all the way back to Richmond at 3, to leave again by 5….as long as folks are coming. So just wanna be sure. Thx👍

Alexina, profile photo

Depends on weather for me. Anyone else who hasn't responded planning on coming out?


I don't mind a little rain, but forecast has potential heavy downpour starting around six. I'll show as long as we don't cancel.

Dave, profile photo

Hi folks!! Only 5 signed in, and possible storms in the forecast. Stay tuned/keep in touch…